sábado, 27 de março de 2010

Illusions about illusions

"Friendship was another illusion like Love, though it did not reach the same mad heights. People pretended that they were friends, when the fact was they were brought together by force of circumstances. The classroom or the club or the office created friendships. When the circumstances changed the relations, too, snaped. What did Ramu care for him now, after all the rambles on the river, cigarettes, cinema and confidences? Friendship - what meaningless expressions had come in to use!
'Was is the matter, Chandra, you are suddenly moody?' asked Chandran's father.
'Nothing, nothing', said Chandran. 'I was only thinking of something. Father, have you any idea where your old college friends are now?'
Father tried to recollect. He gave up the attempt. 'I don't know. If I look at the old college group photo I may be able to tell you something."

The Bachelor of Arts, R. K Narayan

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